University payment allowed only for actual expenses -- up to the amount of the most cost beneficial method of travel available -- necessary to satisfactorily accomplish the official business objective.
- Consider the purpose and approximate costs of your trip.
- Get initial supervisor approval (verbal or written) and account number that will be charged.
- Make reservations (plane, hotel, transportation, etc.)
- Provide the travel agent with the account number
- Forward your travel itinerary to the TAC Travel Assistant
- Let Travel Agent know that the TAC Travel Assistant will be providing a TV# soon.
- If you find an airfare that is more reasonable, please forward those details on to the Access Center Travel Assistant who will then make the needed travel arrangements.
- Contact Transportation Services or Enterprise to reserve Vans or Buses
- Start the Travel Authorization Worksheet. A computer copy should be on your computer hard drive or on the TAC “P” drive under P:/Common/Forms
- Indicate that this is a Pre-Trip Travel Authorization
- Consider all expenses that will need to be incurred for travel purposes; and whether it is a staff travel or student travel
- Provide details on the purpose and destination; dates of departure and return; and whether a travel advance is requested.
- For Professional Development: If a P-card was used to prepay for registration fees, indicate the amount and name of P-card holder.
- For Lodging, indicate the total cost of lodging that you will incur. If you will have a roommate, indicate the name of your roommate and a total portion of the shared cost that you will incur.
- For meals: If you are requesting a per diem, indicate each meal you are requesting with an “X”. If you are attending a conference in which meals are provided, provide the name of the conference in the meal and date boxes. Receipts for meals are not required.
- Vans/Buses: If you have requested University Van/buses, indicate the quoted expense amount and the TAC Travel Assistant will process IMO’s for rental payments
- Insurance – Student Travel: Complete proper pre-travel insurance cards as needed.
- Attach all Pre-Trip travel documents and submit them to the TAC Travel Assistant. Travel Assistant will create the proper travel documents and provide the Travel Agency with the needed TV#.
- Obtain travel advance: If you have requested a travel advance, the TAC Travel Assistant will create a Travel Advance Request Form.
- Advance requests submitted to Travel before 12:00pm will be ready the next day after 3:30pm. Please plan accordingly.
- Have a safe and productive trip!
- Upon Completion of your Trip: Complete the Travel Expense Claim Form and submit to TAC Travel Assistant within 7 working days from returning along with all appropriate receipts.
- Itemized receipts must be provided for all participant meals. The Travel Office will no longer reimburse travel for meals where an itemized receipt is not attached.
- Travel will be reconciled by TAC Travel Assistant. If you owe the University you will asked to pay with a check. If you are owed a reimbursement, this will be processed and deposited into your checking account.
- Travel process takes normally two – three weeks for reimbursement (but your check will clear immediately J)
Note: Travel is the sole responsibility of the staff member that has initiated a travel authorization. All related travel costs must be incurred by that individual. A-cards cannot be used in conjunction with any Travel, except for the purposes of paying for registration fees. Traveler’s must request a travel advance or use their State Travel Card for any travel related expenses.
- State Travel Card
The State of Colorado offers all regular, full-time employee travelers a personal credit card (currently Visa) for their official, University-business related, travel expenses. Cardholders are personally responsible for timely payment.
Whenever possible, travelers must pay all travel expenses with the State Travel card. Use of it is required to obtain cash travel advances and purchase car rentals -- providing collision, damage and loss protection.
- Travel Advances
Obtain advances using the State Travel Card whenever possible (they are limited to $500 by state fiscal rules). Advances may be obtained through any "Plus" system ATM, with locations in the Lory Student Center, throughout Colorado, the U.S., and worldwide. ATM advances are charged a processing fee and possible bank fees (which are reimbursable).
- Pre-Trip Arrangements
- Commercial Airline
- Arrangements
Purchase airline tickets ONLY through a University approved travel agent that can be found on the following website- Agents are knowledgeable of State airline contracts, available fares, and billing requirements.
Tickets purchased by the University for travelers arriving from remote locations may be arranged through an approved agency and (1)mailed to the traveler, (2)arranged for pick-up at the remote airport, or (3)provided via e-tickets. The travel agent can explain available options.
- Internet Tickets
Tickets may be purchased through the Internet to obtain a reduced fair. There must be documentation that a significant amount is being saved purchasing tickets on your own. The State Travel Card must be used but will not be reimbursed until after the travel has been completed.
- Charging Tickets
Due to State contracts, reimbursements are strictly disallowed to employees purchasing their own airline tickets regardless of circumstances!
- Rental Cars, Motor Pool, Personal Vehicles and Other Transportation
- Transportation Services
Use University motor-pool vehicles whenever possible for University employees or groups on business travel within the continental United States, Rate schedules and specific instructions are available from the office of Transportation Services (970) 491-0016. Arrange payment by requesting an IMO from the CEAO Program Assistant.
- Rental Cars
Use of State contracted rental car agencies is mandatory, along with the State Travel Card for payment. The rental car contracts provide liability coverage in most cases. Use of the State Travel Card provides for most collision, damage and loss needs. Be sure to discuss all special needs and uses with the rental company and State Travel Card insurance representatives.
- Avis account #A514100 (primary contract holder). Reservations 1-800-331-1212 (domestic phone calls), 1-800-331-1084 (international phone calls), 1-800-331-1212 (insurance phone calls).
- Alamo, account 160676 (primary contract holder). Reservations 1-800-732-3232 (domestic phone calls), 1-800-522-9696 (international phone calls), 1-800-732-3232 (insurance phone calls), ONLY with the use of our corporate rate (rate code: BX).
- Enterprise, account G65117 (alternate contract holder within Colorado when Avis or Alamo are unavailable). Reservations 1-800-736-8222. Insurance phone calls: 1-800-736-8222.
Most domestic car rentals, using the State Travel Card in conjunction with the state contracted rental car companies will have all legally applicable and required coverage. This includes primary collision / damage / loss (CDL) coverage from the State Travel Card, and liability coverage from the State contracted car rental agencies: Avis (effective using any rate within the contiguous 'lower-48' states), Alamo (if using the State contracted rate) or Enterprise within Colorado (if using the State contracted rate). An exception to the above rule is that additional expense may be allowable for rental cars when:
- Purchasing a CDL waiver (collision, damage and loss) from the car rental company IF the traveler is ineligible for a State Travel Card.
- Purchasing liability coverage IF a contracted rental car agency was unavailable.
- Coverage was otherwise excluded due to required abnormal rental conditions (non-domestic, specialty vehicle, off-road use, etc.).
- International liability coverage is usually NOT provided by the car rental company, and should be purchased if necessary (and is reimbursable). In addition, State Travel Card CDL is not provided in Italy, New Zealand and Australia due to national laws requiring purchase within those countries (and therefore additional coverage should be purchased and is reimbursable).
- Specialty vehicles such as Four-wheel drive vehicles, trucks and vans, etc. have special coverage exclusions or requirements. Be sure to discuss specific uses, coverage and requirements with Rental Car and State Travel Card insurance representatives (see numbers below).
- Read carefully all insurance information provided with the State Travel Card, and car rental contracts. The traveler should be aware of all insurance needs and coverage prior to entering any rental car agreement.
- Direct insurance questions can be directed to: Avis 1-800-331-1212, or Alamo 1-800-732-3232 or Enterprise 1-800-736-8222.
- In the event of a rental car damage, loss or theft:
- Report any liability issues (damage to others) to the rental car company upon returning the car.
- Inform the car rental representative that State Travel Card covers collision damage or loss. Obtain a claim form from State Travel Card and submit within 90 days of the incident. (State Travel Card- Visa will not accept responsibility if their claim form is not received by them within 90 days!)
- Personal Vehicles
Use of privately owned vehicles is allowed if justified and authorized by the traveler's supervisor and fund approver's. Mileage allowances are paid at the state rate of $0.39/mile and are deemed to cover all operational expenses including gas, maintenance and insurance. The traveler must own the vehicle, or incur all operating expenses. Destination and miles traveled must be documented on the UTV.
For travelers stationed in Fort Collins, official Denver International Airport (DIA) mileage is limited to actual miles traveled up to 150 miles round trip for any ONE trip.
- Other Transportation
Bus, train, non-commercial aircraft, etc., is acceptable up to the costs allowable for the same trip by commercial airline, and within the following guidelines:
- Leased aircraft must receive prior written approval of the Aircraft Section of the Colorado State Patrol in the Department of Public Safety, regardless of the source of funds.
- Privately owned aircraft must receive prior, written approval from the Division of Risk Management. If approved, mileage can be provided at $.40/nautical mile
- Choosing a less economical means of travel for personal needs.
Whenever a less economical means of transportation is chosen for the convenience of the traveler, any resulting extra working days incurred must be charged to annual leave. In addition, amounts claimed for lodging, meals and other miscellaneous expenses are limited to the equivalent of those using the most economical means.
- Travel Insurance:
Generally, travel insurance expenses are not allowable on University funds. Authorized travelers are covered by workers compensation, and may be covered by governmental immunity, but expenses for additional coverage (flight insurance, etc.) are not allowable on University funds. In addition, travelers are personally liable for their own actions. This includes any loss, damage or liability when a State contracted rental car agency was available but not used AND/OR liability to others when a State Travel Card was available, but either not obtained or not used. Replacement costs and/or deductible amounts may be paid by the department funding the travel expenses, IF deemed appropriate and within the best interests of the University. Other special insurance situations may arise which are not covered here: in those cases, contact the University Office of Risk Management (970) 491-1432 to ensure the greatest protection possible is arranged for the traveler and the University.
- Estimating Meal Expenses
Provide an estimate of meal expenses by using the current Per Diem tables. These rates can be found on the following website- Breakfast can be claimed if a staff person leaves their house before 7 a.m. (4:59). Dinner can be claimed if the staff person returns after 8 p.m. (8:01)
Travel Wholly Within a Single Day
Reimbursement for meal per diem and lodging are disallowed when travel occurs wholly within a single day.