The Access Center
304 Student Services Bldg.
(970) 491-6473
FAX (970) 491-1077

Personnel and Human Resources


Administrative professional staff are expected to work additional hours whenever the demands of the program and the task at hand require.  Compensation is not required in these circumstances, although the Director of direct supervisors, at their discretion, may authorize time away from work when the additional hours have become excessive.


State Classified staff are not expected to work additional hours, except when notified in advance by the Director.  State Classified staff must receive prior approval in writing from their supervisors prior to working any extra hours that they would expect to be compensated for.  Failure to do so implies that there is no expectation of comp time or overtime pay as outlined in the State Classified Handbook.


Your immediate supervisor must be notified as soon as possible regarding your need to take sick leave.  Sick leave should be reported using the VPEA Leave Request and Approval System ( as soon as you return to work.  If known in advance, sick leave can also be reported in the leave system prior to the intended leave.  Sick leave and any leave taken during the month should be affirmed using the same system prior to the first day of the month in which sick leave was taken.

It is the responsibility of each staff member to affirm their leave on a month to month basis.


NO personal information (address, phone, etc.) should be given out.  Please assume that if the staff person wanted someone to have the information, they would have provided it.  If there is a gray area and you are not sure what to do, err on the side of confidentiality.  This policy also applies to former staff information.

One suggestion is to take the caller's name and phone number and tell them you will forward it on to the individual and ask them to return their call.


Rachel M. is the personnel coordinator for the Access Center and maintains all records and paperwork for staff.  All personnel hirings must coordinate with Rachel so that appropriate policies and procedures can be followed.  Questions regarding pay days, check amounts, time sheets, and sick and annual leave available should be directed to Rachel.

Any telephone calls pertaining to personnel or employment issues, including verifications of current or past employment are to be referred to Rachel.